Saturday 12 April 2014

Importance of electricity

 Greenpeace: Save electricity

Electricity is important to life. A vast number of machines which are invented nowadays cannot be operated without it. As a matter of fact, electricity is used mostly in four main areas such as industry, public health, media and transportation.

First of all, electricity plays a vital part in industry. Thanks to the invention of electricity, a lot of equipment has been invented including computers, subways, bulbs,etc.Electricity is the crucial factor in operating most devices. As a matter of fact, we now lighten our lives with electricity, which is inexpensive and friendly-environment.Everything is produced by machines precisely and constantly, saving us a great amount of time and money. Apparently, electricity is used by all walks of life everyday in all aspects. For example, in summer and winter air conditioning systems are used to modify the condition of air inside the building, offices and houses.

Secondly, electricity is essential in our daily transportation. Only with the advent of electricity can people create the traffic light. This is a great contribution to the safety of people on the street. Additionally, because steam engines are now replaced with electric engines, global warming and greenhouse effect are reduced considerably. Obviously, not only the speed is increased but the journey is smoke free, so less pollution are added into the atmosphere just to help to protect the environment.

Besides that, another area in our life on which electricity has a great influence is media both in communication and entertainment. Taking telegraphs and telephones for examples, both of them are common place today and they need electricity to operate. With these devices, we can talk to our friends and family at a great distance or we can even fax to every corner of the world within no time. Similarly, televisions enable everyone to update information around the world and see what is happening at the other side of the globe simultaneously. Needless to say, without these speedy means of communications, many business would come to a halt. More significantly, electricity makes entertainment possible, creating a much more interesting and fascinating world. It can't be denied that books, which are now available everywhere are not only knowledgeable but they are also entertaining. Since the invention of electricity, the number of books and periodicals released has been noticeably increasing. Therefore, the utility of electricity has not only brightened our homes but also our heads.

Finally, electricity is helpful in health services and treatment. Due to electricity, medical technology are improved. In hospitals, surgeons are able to carry operation in a more effective and efficient way. Most of the diseases which used to be fatal in the past cannot kill people now. For instance, X-ray machines enables doctors to take photographs of internal parts of the body so that the surgery and operation are much safer and more accurate.

In a nutshell, the importance of electricity in our daily routine is undeniable.However, the demand for it is increasing because more and more people have access to it. As a result, everyone should make an attempt to reduce the consumption of electricity in family as well as in office by using it more reasonably.

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