Tuesday 15 April 2014

How to save electricity ?


 Examples of saving electricity:

Use More Energy-efficient Appliances

If you are shopping for new appliances, make sure to look for the Environmental Protection Agency’s Energy Star label before making a purchase. Energy Star appliances use between 10 and 50 percent less energy and water than their conventional counterparts. They may cost more than appliances without the Energy Star designation, but in most cases they will more than make up that additional cost through energy savings.


Change Your Light Bulbs

One of the least expensive and most effective changes you can make in your home is replacing your light bulbs. According to Energy Star, one of its qualified compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFL), which cost just a few dollars, “will save our money . It only uses 75 percent less energy and lasts about 10 times longer than an incandescent bulb.” Although some people are concerned because CFLs contain mercury, Energy Star says that CFLs do not release any mercury when in use, and actually reduce mercury emissions because they lessen the need for electricity from power plants that emit mercury. Learn more at Energy Star’s CFLs and Mercury page. For more energy-efficient lighting, see Bright Ideas for Home Lighting or the Energy Star CFL page.


Use Fans for Cooling

During hot weathers,  use stationary, ceiling and whole-house fans to cool your home, reducing the need for air conditioning. As air conditioning used up a lot of electricity and will increase the cost of electrical bills. However, if its during cold seasons , close the fans instead of opening the fans to save electricity.

 Switching off  

If you really want to go all out, have your family use just one or two rooms at night, rather than spreading out all over the house and keeping your entire home lit.For maximum electricity savings, use candles! This old-fashioned system of providing light at night is effective, romantic and peaceful. If you don't find it practical to use candles every night, try doing it just once or twice a week. Be careful doing this with little kids, though - make sure all of your family members know how to handle candles safely.

Unplug appliances when they aren't in use. 

Did you know that appliances that are plugged in keep using energy, even when they're switched off? Even an appliance as small as a coffee pot continues slowly sapping energy every moment it stays plugged in, long after the last cup of coffee has been consumed. Example like power down your computer and unplug it at the end of the day. Computers use a lot of energy, and when they stay plugged in you're wasting both energy and money.Don't leave your TV plugged in all the time. It may seem inconvenient to unplug it when you're finished watching, but the savings are worth the trouble.Unplug your sound system and speakers. These are some of the worst culprits when it comes to sapping extra energy when they aren't in use.And don't forget about small appliances such as phone chargers, kitchen appliances, hair dryers, and anything else you've got that runs on electricity.

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